svaneke beer is organic. brewedand bottled without CO2 emissions

Being a small and agile craft brewery has its advantages – including when it comes to the green transition. The path from idea to action is rarely long. In 2021, we reached one of the major milestones when all brewing and bottling of Svaneke beer was verified as being done without CO2 emissions. But we won’t stop there. As we continue our green journey, we remain curious and proactive in exploring new opportunities and innovations.

the brewery of the future

At Svaneke Bryghus, we have completed the first long haul towards reducing our climate footprint and, at the same time, contributing to Bornholm becoming a sustainable and climate-friendly island community, where we can brew and enjoy our beer for many years into the future.

with the un's sustainable development goals, we create sustainable beer

Cheers from Svaneke Bryghus

100% organic beer

Our Beer